Friday, May 16, 2008

Lawmakers agree: flushing is optional

The Minnesota Legislature has yet to reach a consensus on things like reducing health care costs, providing property tax relief... and oh yeah... plugging that $935 million budget hole.

But on the bright side the white, porcelain bright side Tim Nelson over at MPR's News Cut blog reports that lawmakers in the House and Senate have backed a change in the plumbing code that would allow waterless urinals in Minnesota.

I've actually used this type of fixture it was an underwhelming experience. But this is actually a big deal for environmental types and builders interested in promoting sustainable construction.

In the past, lawmakers balked at the idea of waterless urinals for obvious sanitary reasons, but their use in other states have shown they work just as well as the original (gravity, after all, does all the work) and can significantly reduce water use. Then again, the energy savings is probably offset by that strategically placed electronic advertising display and you still have to wash your hands.


[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]

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