Sunday, September 21, 2008

Think you've got the answers to judicial elections? Take the MWL quiz

No legal group in Minnesota makes more of an effort to distribute useful information about the judicial races to voters than does Minnesota Women Lawyers. For example, the group maintains a website, "Judges & Politics Don't Mix" ( and puts out a regular newsletter during campaign season, "MWL Judicial Election News."

Public information efforts like MWL's are valuable. Since judicial elections tend not to get a lot of media attention, many voters find these races quizzical. And speaking of quizzes, MWL recently devised one to teach the public about judicial races. Click here to give it a try. Participants have a chance to win a valuable prize. (See the quiz site for details.)

So how did your truly do? I actually got a few of them wrong despite thinking myself fairly attuned to the topic area. It is an entertaining way to learn more about some issues of vital importance to the judiciary (and everyone else, for that matter). Give the quiz a shot -- and perhaps pass along the link to some members of the public who want to learn about judicial elections in Minnesota.


[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]

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