Scotus Blog reports that the U.S. Solicitor General has recommended the Supreme Court grant certiorari in case No. 06-1505, Meacham v. Knolls Atomic Power Lab, et al., limited to the question asking whether, under the Courts 2005 decision in Smith v. City of Jackson, an employee alleging disparate impact under the ADEA has the burden [...]
[Source: Texas Employment Lawyer HR Lawyer's Blog (210) 832-0932]
Monday, December 31, 2007
FMLA Set to Expand
President Bush will most likely soon sign into law the first extension of benefits under the FMLA since its 1993 enactment.The story is in an article this week at FMLA expansion would enable spouses, children, parents or next of kin to wounded military service personnel to take 26 weeks of unpaid leave to care [...]
[Source: Texas Employment Lawyer HR Lawyer's Blog (210) 832-0932]
[Source: Texas Employment Lawyer HR Lawyer's Blog (210) 832-0932]
Sunday, December 30, 2007
The top 10 Minnesota legal news stories of 2007
Although completely unscientific, here are my picks for the "Top 10" Minnesota legal news stories of 2007. Even a cursory glance demonstrates that it has been a very interesting year for legal news here in the Gopher State. We at Minnesota Lawyer have enjoyed keeping you up-to-date with our newspaper, blog and website and look forward to bringing you even more valuable information in 2008. In the meantime, have a happy and safe New Year.
9.* The controversy at the local U.S. Attorneys Office, culminating with the decision of Rachel Paulose to resign her post and take a job at main Justice in Washington, D.C.
*Denotes a tie
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
1. The legal wrangling around the 35W bridge collapse, including efforts to get access to the site, start a victims compensation fund and represent victims pro bono;
2. Filling judicial seats, including the appointment of a new Minnesota Supreme Court justice (Christopher Dietzen) and the addition of a badly needed new three-judge panel for the states overworked Court of Appeals;
3. A Hennepin County jury awards $130 million to local dentists in their lawsuit against a Massachusetts company that administered the business side of their practices;
4. The once-venerable Minneapolis law firm of Rider Bennett closes its doors forever and subsequently declares bankruptcy;
5. The U.S. Supreme Court decides to hear the appeal of the multi-billion-dollar verdict in the Exxon Valdez oil spill case, much to the chagrin of the Minneapolis firm of Faegre & Benson, which has been representing plaintiffs in the case for nearly a generation now;
6. The debate about judicial-election reform, from the Quie Commission issuing its much-anticipated report to the split in the legal community that still exists about how to proceed;
7. The Minnesota Supreme Court recognizes a cause of action for negligent credentialing against hospitals that grant doctors operating-room privileges;
8. Technology and the law: from the courts' introduction of online trial records to the establishment of new legal blogs and other Web-based legal information sources (including the Minnesota Lawyer blog and other new online journalistic ventures);
9.* The controversy at the Minnesota Attorney Generals Office, including the employees' unionization attempt and the decision of Mike Hatch to resign his deputys post and find a job in private practice;
2. Filling judicial seats, including the appointment of a new Minnesota Supreme Court justice (Christopher Dietzen) and the addition of a badly needed new three-judge panel for the states overworked Court of Appeals;
3. A Hennepin County jury awards $130 million to local dentists in their lawsuit against a Massachusetts company that administered the business side of their practices;
4. The once-venerable Minneapolis law firm of Rider Bennett closes its doors forever and subsequently declares bankruptcy;
5. The U.S. Supreme Court decides to hear the appeal of the multi-billion-dollar verdict in the Exxon Valdez oil spill case, much to the chagrin of the Minneapolis firm of Faegre & Benson, which has been representing plaintiffs in the case for nearly a generation now;
6. The debate about judicial-election reform, from the Quie Commission issuing its much-anticipated report to the split in the legal community that still exists about how to proceed;
7. The Minnesota Supreme Court recognizes a cause of action for negligent credentialing against hospitals that grant doctors operating-room privileges;
8. Technology and the law: from the courts' introduction of online trial records to the establishment of new legal blogs and other Web-based legal information sources (including the Minnesota Lawyer blog and other new online journalistic ventures);
9.* The controversy at the Minnesota Attorney Generals Office, including the employees' unionization attempt and the decision of Mike Hatch to resign his deputys post and find a job in private practice;
9.* The controversy at the local U.S. Attorneys Office, culminating with the decision of Rachel Paulose to resign her post and take a job at main Justice in Washington, D.C.
*Denotes a tie
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Friday, December 28, 2007
Hennepin Countys pest problems persist

Earlier this month, Minnesota Lawyer revealed that the Hennepin County Government Center was having a problem with mice. Now, it appears, the county is having a problem with employees.
A pest control company was called when the mice woes surfaced, but it couldnt start its extermination efforts until January because there would be too much food in the building during the holidays for the aggressive plan to be effective. Apparently, some Government Center employees couldnt wait.
The employees efforts at self-help apparently spurred a five-page memo from the county on the pest control initiative. The memo stated in part: Employees are asked to take their products home immediately or they will be thrown out during the cleaning. Its important to point out that its not acceptable for employees to take pest control action into their own hands, as there are guidelines and procedures that need to be adhered to.
Being the animal lover that I am, I do feel somewhat sorry for the little critters, who are completely unaware of their impending fate. If they know whats good for them, theyll get out while they still can. On January 3, the cleanup begins.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Thursday, December 27, 2007
A valuable shield protects your right to know
Minnesota's seldom-tested shield law has taken a couple of interesting shots in recent weeks.
Earlier this month it was revealed that KMSP reporter Tom Lyden had two months of cell phone records seized by St. Paul police as part of an ongoing investigation into whether a Ramsey County sheriff's deputy leaked private data to Lyden. The data was later determined to be public, and the investigation was dropped after protests from First Amendment advocates.
Then, on Monday, the Minnesota Court of Appeals struck down a ruling ordering a reporter to give prosecutors unpublished notes from an interview with a man who shot two police officers before killing himself.
Every first-semester journalism school student is taught the importance of shield laws, but few reporters are ever called on to invoke the law in response to a request that they reveal their sources. Media members in Minnesota are fortunate to be covered by the Minnesota Free Flow of Information Act, which provides a greater level of protection for reporters by requiring that three strict standards are met before disclosure is compelled by the court. The fact that the two recent shield law squabbles went the way of media outlets should be a relief not only to journalists, but to everybody who values transparency and disclosure from government entities.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Earlier this month it was revealed that KMSP reporter Tom Lyden had two months of cell phone records seized by St. Paul police as part of an ongoing investigation into whether a Ramsey County sheriff's deputy leaked private data to Lyden. The data was later determined to be public, and the investigation was dropped after protests from First Amendment advocates.
Then, on Monday, the Minnesota Court of Appeals struck down a ruling ordering a reporter to give prosecutors unpublished notes from an interview with a man who shot two police officers before killing himself.
Every first-semester journalism school student is taught the importance of shield laws, but few reporters are ever called on to invoke the law in response to a request that they reveal their sources. Media members in Minnesota are fortunate to be covered by the Minnesota Free Flow of Information Act, which provides a greater level of protection for reporters by requiring that three strict standards are met before disclosure is compelled by the court. The fact that the two recent shield law squabbles went the way of media outlets should be a relief not only to journalists, but to everybody who values transparency and disclosure from government entities.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Thank you...

Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations for our Attorneys of the Year awards celebration.
Your response has been the best yet, and while more nominations makes it harder to choose just 15, it reminds us of the outstanding talent, passion and pride here in Minnesota's legal community.
Look for our announcement of this year's Attorneys of the Year honorees in early January.
Thanks again!
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
'Tis the season
Nothing says Christmas like a large group of Santas. And as we move in to the final leg of the holiday season, what could be better than taking one last look as the festive folks who participated in the annual Santa Run to benefit Legal Aid earlier this month. Kudos to the local firm of Faegre & Benson, which had the largest number of participants in the event, earning it the much-coveted "Santa Trophy."
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Friday, December 21, 2007
Dont put this in writing, but
The "send" button -- together with its evil cousins, "forward" and "reply all" -- are causing a world of trouble for corporations as they connect to evidence in legal proceedings and create a new mess for in-house lawyers to clean up.
[Source: Texas Employment Lawyer HR Lawyer's Blog (210) 832-0932]
[Source: Texas Employment Lawyer HR Lawyer's Blog (210) 832-0932]
Two days left to nominate Attorneys of the Year

You've seen the rest, now pick the best.
Minnesota Lawyer is still accepting nominations for its ninth annual Attorneys of the Year awards celebration. The award honors the achievements of 15 people who have distinguished themselves in 2007 through exemplary work.
Criteria include:
Procuring a successful result in an important case or business transaction
Leadership in professional associations
Participating in newsworthy events in the legal community
Performing significant public service
Excellence in providing in-house legal services
Nomination deadline is Friday, Dec. 21.
A dinner celebration honoring the selected attorneys will take place in February, and we've become exceedingly good at throwing a swank affair.
An online nomination form is available here. For questions, please feel free to contact me at or 612-584-1554.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Thursday, December 20, 2007
An unlikely source of sympathy in the Vick case
Continuing on today's theme of animal-cruelty cases...
I was talking to my veterinarian last week with a dog and two cats, I get lots of opportunities so I decided Id be the hundredth person that day to ask her what she thought of the Michael Vick verdict. Her response left me gaping.
I feel sorry for him, she said.
Excuse me, I said sorry for him?
He did some horrible things, but I dont think he was the mastermind behind the operation at his house, she continued. I know this is an easy thing to say about an athlete, but I get the feeling hes not very bright. Or at least, he seems impressionable like he has too much money and not enough maturity and he let some people get him involved in this, people who he thought were his friends.
She went on to say that even with the hideous events Vick was involved in, when she read the last-ditch plea he wrote to the sentencing judge in the case, her heart broke.
Maybe Im nave, but he sounded to me like a little kid who knew he was about to be punished, and felt like he could get out of trouble if he promised never to do it again, she said.
If it does anything to stop dog fighting or cruelty to animals, then Im happy with the sentence. But to see this incredibly gifted person throw it all away like thisthat makes me sad. His life is basically over.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
I was talking to my veterinarian last week with a dog and two cats, I get lots of opportunities so I decided Id be the hundredth person that day to ask her what she thought of the Michael Vick verdict. Her response left me gaping.
I feel sorry for him, she said.
Excuse me, I said sorry for him?
He did some horrible things, but I dont think he was the mastermind behind the operation at his house, she continued. I know this is an easy thing to say about an athlete, but I get the feeling hes not very bright. Or at least, he seems impressionable like he has too much money and not enough maturity and he let some people get him involved in this, people who he thought were his friends.
She went on to say that even with the hideous events Vick was involved in, when she read the last-ditch plea he wrote to the sentencing judge in the case, her heart broke.
Maybe Im nave, but he sounded to me like a little kid who knew he was about to be punished, and felt like he could get out of trouble if he promised never to do it again, she said.
If it does anything to stop dog fighting or cruelty to animals, then Im happy with the sentence. But to see this incredibly gifted person throw it all away like thisthat makes me sad. His life is basically over.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Commenter cries fowl over duck piece
My learned colleague, Michelle Lore, recently posted her thoughts about the case of the young federal auditor who came to town and ripped the head off of a duck in a hotel lobby. We received the following comment to the post, which I thought was interesting enough to pull out and re-post here.
Hmmm. Well, actually I think that it should be a felony to kill a duck with a shotgun in a hotel ...
I have no idea whether the defendant is generally considered "upstanding" or not. I don't think it speaks well of him that the one incident we do know of is tearing a duck's head off -- not something even an inebriated person would typically do. And as for his having to come back to "this icebox" to defend himself, the way around that would have been not to come here and tear the head off a duck in the first place. Pretty simple really. Lots of folks manage to do it.
Personally, I don't have an opinion what the defendants sentence should be -- I leave that to the judge who will hear all the facts. However, I cant help wondering whether the above comment didnt come from Michael Vick.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Oh Please! Yes, animal cruelty is wrong, but this case is about an
upstanding guy who got drunk & did something stupid. He lost his federal
job, has to come back to this icebox to defend himself, and has to spend oodles
of dollars on an attorney. People can back-date stock options to the tune of
millions of dollars, rip off investors through "creative" accounting, and steal
people's pensions yet not suffer any consequences. Harm one waterfowl and Katy
bar the door. Let's get our priorities straight.I guess it's okay to kill a duck
with a shotgun and then eat it, but if you do it at a hotel, it's a felony. Is
it wrong? Yes. Should he be a criminal because of it? No. Priorities people,
Hmmm. Well, actually I think that it should be a felony to kill a duck with a shotgun in a hotel ...
I have no idea whether the defendant is generally considered "upstanding" or not. I don't think it speaks well of him that the one incident we do know of is tearing a duck's head off -- not something even an inebriated person would typically do. And as for his having to come back to "this icebox" to defend himself, the way around that would have been not to come here and tear the head off a duck in the first place. Pretty simple really. Lots of folks manage to do it.
Personally, I don't have an opinion what the defendants sentence should be -- I leave that to the judge who will hear all the facts. However, I cant help wondering whether the above comment didnt come from Michael Vick.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Saturday, December 15, 2007
$450k in fees awarded in excessive-force case
U.S. District Court judge Richard Kyle has awarded $443,707 in legal fees and $15,141 in costs to the lawyers who successfully represented a plaintiff in his excessive-force action against the city of Golden Valley. The plaintiff in the underlying case, Alijuan Hixon, last September was awarded $328,000 in compensatory damages and $450,000 in punitive damages for the treatment he received by Golden Valley police when they were effecting an arrest.
The plaintiff was represented by the Minneapolis law firm of Parker Rosen.
To see the full-text of Kyle's Dec. 13 decision awarding the fee, click here.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
The plaintiff was represented by the Minneapolis law firm of Parker Rosen.
To see the full-text of Kyle's Dec. 13 decision awarding the fee, click here.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Lawyers do make mistakes
Minneapolis attorney Corwin Kruse -- chair of the MSBAs Animal Law Section -- is taking a bit of beating in the press this week for sending a letter to Ramsey County District Court Judge Michael DeCourcy, encouraging DeCourcy to give the harshest punishment possible to a man accused of ripping the head off a duck at a hotel in St. Paul. (Click here for the Pioneer Press article.)
DeCourcy recused himself from the matter after receiving the letter, stating it raises the issue of impropriety and is prejudicial to the defendant since the defendant has not yet pleaded or been found guilty of an animal cruelty charge.
As an animal lover myself, I feel strongly that tearing the head off a tame animal that had come to trust humans is a disgusting, heinous act. If Scott Clark is convicted or pleads guilty to the animal cruelty offense, he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Kruse and I are on the same page with respect to that conclusion.
Kruses apparent mistake here was his timing. Had he sent the letter after Clark pleaded or was found guilty, none of this hoopla would have occurred.
Kruse is a young lawyer, having graduated from law school just over two years ago. New lawyers are bound to make mistakes. Unfortunately for Kruse, he made his in a public arena in a high-profile case. Fortunately, no real harm was done, a new judge will be assigned to the case and this will blow over.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
DeCourcy recused himself from the matter after receiving the letter, stating it raises the issue of impropriety and is prejudicial to the defendant since the defendant has not yet pleaded or been found guilty of an animal cruelty charge.
As an animal lover myself, I feel strongly that tearing the head off a tame animal that had come to trust humans is a disgusting, heinous act. If Scott Clark is convicted or pleads guilty to the animal cruelty offense, he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Kruse and I are on the same page with respect to that conclusion.
Kruses apparent mistake here was his timing. Had he sent the letter after Clark pleaded or was found guilty, none of this hoopla would have occurred.
Kruse is a young lawyer, having graduated from law school just over two years ago. New lawyers are bound to make mistakes. Unfortunately for Kruse, he made his in a public arena in a high-profile case. Fortunately, no real harm was done, a new judge will be assigned to the case and this will blow over.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Friday, December 14, 2007
St. Paul Police Department skirts state shield law
There's a chill in the air, and it's not that Alberta Clipper.
The St. Paul Police Department's recent move to secure a reporter's phone records is much colder.
The police department recently obtained KMSP-TV reporter Tom Lyden's cell phone records after he received a police report a public document, mind you from an unnamed source.
Why does this matter? Because Minnesota and several other states have recognized the need to protect confidential sources via the shield law as a way to ensure a free and vibrant press. Who would talk to a reporter if they knew a snooping government official could hunt down and punish them?
The Associated Press originally reported that Lyden's phone records were secured through an administrative subpoena, but the Ramsey County Attorney's Office has said it never signed off on such a request.
That leaves a warrant, which unlike an administrative subpoena, requires a judge's signature.
Now, I could write a long-winded treatise on how this situation creates a potentially serious chilling effect on the press. But apparently, decades of case law and legislative action haven't impressed the people involved.
So I've taken a different approach perhaps this will get through:
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
The St. Paul Police Department's recent move to secure a reporter's phone records is much colder.
The police department recently obtained KMSP-TV reporter Tom Lyden's cell phone records after he received a police report a public document, mind you from an unnamed source.
Why does this matter? Because Minnesota and several other states have recognized the need to protect confidential sources via the shield law as a way to ensure a free and vibrant press. Who would talk to a reporter if they knew a snooping government official could hunt down and punish them?
The Associated Press originally reported that Lyden's phone records were secured through an administrative subpoena, but the Ramsey County Attorney's Office has said it never signed off on such a request.
That leaves a warrant, which unlike an administrative subpoena, requires a judge's signature.
Now, I could write a long-winded treatise on how this situation creates a potentially serious chilling effect on the press. But apparently, decades of case law and legislative action haven't impressed the people involved.
So I've taken a different approach perhaps this will get through:
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Supreme Court Hears Argument in Similar Treatment Case
Ellen Mendelsohn sued her employer under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), alleging she was terminated by her employer, Sprint, on the basis of age during a reduction in force (RIF). Individual supervisors made the termination decisions. In support of her claim of intentional age discrimination, Mendelsohn proposed to present five witnesses to testified [...]
[Source: Texas Employment Lawyer HR Lawyer's Blog (210) 832-0932]
[Source: Texas Employment Lawyer HR Lawyer's Blog (210) 832-0932]
Thursday, December 13, 2007
ABA Journal 'Lawyers of the Year' a motley crew
I was pleased to hear the ABA Journal has recognized me as a "Lawyer of the Year." Well, sort of, anyway. Among the honorees it lists out are "the lawyer blogger," meaning anyone who is a lawyer who also blogs. And that includes me. (And also my esteemed Minnesota Lawyer colleagues, Barbara Jones and Michelle Lore.)
So who are our fellow honorees for this highly prestigious honor?
Well, at the top of the list is former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Alberto Gonzales????? In a subsequent interview, the ABA Journal's publisher, Edward A. Adams, explains the criteria is newsworthiness -- also making the obligatory point that Adolph Hitler and Josef Stalin were both once named "People of the Year" by Time magazine. (Gosh, by that measure, Gonzales comes off looking pretty good.) The ABA "Lawyer of the Year" list also included, among others:
-- Stuart "Scooter" Libby;
-- Monica Goodling;
-- Howard K. Stern (Anna Nicole Smith's lawyer husband); and
-- fictional lawyer Michael Clayton, played by George Clooney in the movie of the same name.
Wasting no time, the magazine goes on to name new Attorney General Michael Mulkasey as its 2008 "Lawyer of the Year," notwithstanding the fact that 2008 is still a couple of weeks away.
I can't really find any rhyme or reason for a "Lawyer of the Year" list that would include every single lawyer blogger, Alberto Gonzales, Scooter Libby and a fictional character -- other than perhaps they dipped into the holiday eggnog a little early over at the ABA Journal. In any event, I am looking forward to getting my plaque in the mail.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
So who are our fellow honorees for this highly prestigious honor?
Well, at the top of the list is former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Alberto Gonzales????? In a subsequent interview, the ABA Journal's publisher, Edward A. Adams, explains the criteria is newsworthiness -- also making the obligatory point that Adolph Hitler and Josef Stalin were both once named "People of the Year" by Time magazine. (Gosh, by that measure, Gonzales comes off looking pretty good.) The ABA "Lawyer of the Year" list also included, among others:
-- Stuart "Scooter" Libby;
-- Monica Goodling;
-- Howard K. Stern (Anna Nicole Smith's lawyer husband); and
-- fictional lawyer Michael Clayton, played by George Clooney in the movie of the same name.
Wasting no time, the magazine goes on to name new Attorney General Michael Mulkasey as its 2008 "Lawyer of the Year," notwithstanding the fact that 2008 is still a couple of weeks away.
I can't really find any rhyme or reason for a "Lawyer of the Year" list that would include every single lawyer blogger, Alberto Gonzales, Scooter Libby and a fictional character -- other than perhaps they dipped into the holiday eggnog a little early over at the ABA Journal. In any event, I am looking forward to getting my plaque in the mail.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Lawyer's kidnap story was fabrication, official says (The Toledo Blade)
A pregnant Toledo lawyer fabricated a story that she was kidnapped last week by three people, forced into a vehicle, and dumped off three days later just outside of Atlanta, law enforcement officials close to the investigation said last night.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Longtime lawyer can no longer practice law (The Daily Comet)
NEW ORLEANS A longtime Lake Charles lawyer and little-known candidate for governor in this fall's election can no longer practice law. The state Supreme Court granted Hardy M. Parkerson's request for voluntary permanent resignation from practicing law instead of discipline.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
CELEBRITY defense lawyer Mickey Sherman - who's represented Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel and preppy rapist Alex Kelly -bounced checks to pay for the upkeep of his Stamford, Conn., law office partnership, racked up more than $1 million in federal...
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Lawyer seeks Britain's help in preserving Guantanamo evidence (McClatchy Newspapers via Yahoo! News)
A lawyer for an Ethiopian prisoner in the U.S. detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, who claims that he was tortured when his interrogation was outsourced to Morocco, is asking the British government to help preserve alleged CIA photos that show how he was treated.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Malaysia detains Anwar, arrests Indian lawyer (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Malaysia briefly detained de facto opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim on Tuesday and arrested a human rights lawyer and about a dozen opposition leaders, amid growing complaints the government is cracking down on dissent.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Sudanese lawyer Salih Mahmoud Osman wins EU human rights award (International Herald Tribune)
Sudanese lawyer Salih Mahmoud Osman on Thursday received the European Union's top human rights award the Sakharov Prize for his work in the war-torn region of Darfur, the European Parliament said.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Daniel Baldwin lawyer to ask judge to drop arrest warrant (Canadian Press via Yahoo! News)
LOS ANGELES - Daniel Baldwin's lawyer said he will ask a judge to cancel an arrest warrant issued for the actor, calling Baldwin's recent failure to show up in court a mix-up.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Pregnant Lawyer Concocted 'Kidnap' (WDIV via Yahoo! News)
A pregnant lawyer in Toledo who claimed she was kidnapped last week and driven to Georgia has admitted she made the story up, police said.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Gitmo inmate's lawyer urges US on photos (AP via Yahoo! News)
A lawyer for a Guantanamo prisoner has urged U.S. authorities to preserve CIA photos that would prove his client was tortured when the spy agency allegedly sent him to Morocco for questioning about al-Qaida links.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Longtime lawyer can no longer practice law (KATC 3 Lafayette)
NEW ORLEANS -- A longtime Lake Charles lawyer and little-known candidate for governor in this fall's election can no longer practice law.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Source code dispute puts convictions in jeopardy
Hennepin County District Court Judge Jack Nordby has issued an order warning that he believes the statutory scheme for penalizing intoxicated drivers is in jeopardy because the manufacturer, CMI Inc., refuses to turn over the source codes. The Court of Appeals has already upheld the suppression of evidence in implied consent cases where the codewhich reveals whether the machine is working properlyhas been demanded but not revealed. The court soon will rule on the issue in a criminal case.
Meanwhile, Nordby has forwarded to Minnesota Lawyer an order suppressing intoxilyzer results unless the source code is revealed within 30 days. History suggests it wont be. Nordby treated the question as a simple discovery dispute but questions, in passing, whether it [is] thinkable, constitutionally, that our society could imprison persons who simply decline to take a test on a machine to whose design, construction, and functioning they do not have complete access?
The case is State v. Littman. The attorney for the state is Jennifer Marie Inz and the attorney for the defendant is Derek Anthony Patrin.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Meanwhile, Nordby has forwarded to Minnesota Lawyer an order suppressing intoxilyzer results unless the source code is revealed within 30 days. History suggests it wont be. Nordby treated the question as a simple discovery dispute but questions, in passing, whether it [is] thinkable, constitutionally, that our society could imprison persons who simply decline to take a test on a machine to whose design, construction, and functioning they do not have complete access?
The case is State v. Littman. The attorney for the state is Jennifer Marie Inz and the attorney for the defendant is Derek Anthony Patrin.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Saturday, December 8, 2007
U.S. Attorneys Office sets productivity record under Paulose
The Star Tribune yesterday published a highly favorable analysis of the productivity of the Minnesota U.S. Attorneys Office under Rachel Paulose.
According to the Strib, the office prosecuted a record 668 defendants in fiscal 2007, which ended in September. The productivity gains came despite the resignations of four top managers, a drop in the number of prosecutors in the office and fewer case referrals from the FBI, the Strib says.
The Strib reports dramatic increases in the number of defendants prosecuted for drugs, Civil Rights violations and immigration-law violations. At the same time, the number of white-collar prosecutions remained in line with the offices statistical average.
The favorable performance was achieved despite a yearlong hiring freeze that left the office down five full-time prosecutors, according to Jeffrey Paulsen, chief of the criminal division.
For the full Strib article, see Under Paulose, office posted record cases.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
According to the Strib, the office prosecuted a record 668 defendants in fiscal 2007, which ended in September. The productivity gains came despite the resignations of four top managers, a drop in the number of prosecutors in the office and fewer case referrals from the FBI, the Strib says.
The Strib reports dramatic increases in the number of defendants prosecuted for drugs, Civil Rights violations and immigration-law violations. At the same time, the number of white-collar prosecutions remained in line with the offices statistical average.
The favorable performance was achieved despite a yearlong hiring freeze that left the office down five full-time prosecutors, according to Jeffrey Paulsen, chief of the criminal division.
For the full Strib article, see Under Paulose, office posted record cases.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Friday, December 7, 2007
Woman Charged With Hiring Hit Man to Kill Lawyer's Wife (
A New Hampshire woman has been charged with hiring a hit man to kill the wife of a prominent lawyer. A law partner of B.J. Branch's said, contrary to some reports, that Katherine Mandola and Branch did not have a personal relationship, and that Mandola was a client. In a statement, the firm said Branch expressed concerns about the woman while representing her, and arranged to only see her when ...
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Slain lawyer's 1st wife also shot at him, some say (Rocky Mountain News)
Trinidad lawyer Jim Tatum was gunned down in his kitchen by his wife, according to a Las Animas county deputy who witnessed the shooting.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Lawyer says tossed snowball was "playful action" (Denver Post)
The lawyer for an Australian man on trial for hitting a co-worker with a snowball said Thursday that it was just "playful action in the snow," not an assault.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Lawyer files motion for military custody of Lim (Philippine Daily Inquirer)
MANILA, Philippines -- Brigadier General Danilo Lim cannot be moved to the national penitentiary in Muntinlupa City, his lawyer told a local court hearing a rebellion case against his client, Senator Antonio Trillanes IV, and 34 others Friday.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
L.A. judge: Hudgens' lawyer can sue her for unpaid fees (USA Today)
A lawyer who claims High School Musical lead Vanessa Hudgens owes him $150,000 in legal fees can proceed with his lawsuit against the teen star, a judge ruled Wednesday.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Don't send back Algerian Guantanamo inmate: lawyer (AFP via Yahoo! News)
The lawyer for an Algerian inmate at the US "war on terror" camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, asked a federal appeals court Thursday to block his client's extradition home for fear he will be tortured.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
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Woman charged with hiring hit man to kill lawyer's wife (7 News Boston)
AUBURN, N.H. -- A New Ipswich woman has been charged with hiring a hit man to kill the wife of a prominent lawyer.
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Lawyer appointed as PUC commissioner (Denver Post)
Gov. Bill Ritter on Thursday appointed lawyer Jim Tarpey to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission to fill the term of retiring commissioner Carl Miller.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
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Lawyer demands Government apology over woman's wrongful conviction (ABC via Yahoo!7 News)
A lawyer representing a woman who was wrongly jailed for murder 18 years ago has demanded the Attorney General Jim McGinty apologise on behalf of the state.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Mondale named Norway's honorary consul general in Minneapolis

Here's another one that might fit the bill: Walter Mondale has been named Norway's honorary consul general in Minneapolis.
According to a release yesterday from Norway's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mondale will facilitate research, education and business cooperation between Norway and the Midwest. Mondale's family originally hails from Mundal on the west coast of Norway.
But as the Associated Press points out, Mondale's position will be largely ceremonial and represents a demotion of the Minneapolis consulate to "honorary" status.
Wait isn't this how Cold Wars get started?
No worries. The Norwegian embassy is also searching for an honorary vice consul to help the honorary consul general execute his ceremonial duties.
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Metro Briefing | New York: White Plains: Kerik Lawyer on Offense (New York Times)
The defense lawyer for Bernard B. Kerik, the former New York City police commissioner, has accused federal prosecutors of trying to taint the jury pool in his case and said they irreparably harmed his ability to get a fair trial. The federal prosecutors, Perry A. Carbone and Elliott B. Jacobson, called the allegations by the lawyer, Kenneth M. Breen, entirely baseless and unfounded. The ...
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Be mindful of wrongful convictions, MD's lawyer tells St. John's jury (CBC Newfoundland and Labrador)
A lawyer representing St. John's doctor Sean Buckingham raised the spectre of wrongful convictions Monday during closing arguments.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
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Be mindful of wrongful convictions, MD's lawyer tells St. John's jury (CBC via Yahoo! Canada News)
A lawyer representing a St. John's medical doctor raised the spectre of wrongful convictions Monday, while attacking the credibility of the women who accused Sean Buckingham of sexual assault.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Benayer questions ex-lawyer's methods (The Palm Beach Post)
In February, Marc Benayer was charged with trying to hire a hit man to kill his former lawyer.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Kahui's reception 'horrible' - lawyer (The New Zealand Herald)
Chris Kahui's lawyer has said the reception he received at the community where he was due to live on bail was "horrible". The community outside Auckland, which cannot be named under court orders, refused to accept Kahui when he arrived yesterday.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Lawyer: Doctor arrested on manslaughter charges had no prior knowledge (The Lufkin Daily News)
The lawyer of a Lufkin doctor arrested Friday by U.S. marshals on a manslaughter charge pending in England said his client had no prior knowledge of the allegations.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
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CNN - Lawyer: 'Jena 6' Teen Reaches Plea Deal (CBS 46 News Atlanta)
Mychal Bell, The 17-year-Old Black Teenager Who Last Year Was Charged As An Adult With Attempted Murder In The Assault On A White Fellow Student At Jena High School, Has Agreed To A Plea Deal That Could Lead To His Release By June, His Lawyer Said Today.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
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Kott lawyer seeks 3-year prison max; maintains innocence (Alaska Public Radio Network)
A lawyer for convicted former-lawmaker Pete Kott is asking a judge to sentence his client to roughly three years in prison, about 1/3 of what the prosecution requested. Kott was convicted in September on charges of bribery, conspiracy and extortion, but in a sentencing memorandum filed today, Kott maintains his innocence. Sentencing is set for [...]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
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Kott's lawyer says about 3 years in prison enough (KTVA Anchorage)
The lawyer for former Alaska House Speaker Pete Kott says his client should serve less than three years in a federal prison. Jim Wendt made a 33-month recommendation in a court filing ahead of Kott's sentencing Friday for bribery, conspiracy and extortion. He was convicted in September.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
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Sharif's lawyer fears exclusion from Pakistan vote (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
An election official is likely to disqualify former Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif from running in a January election, his lawyer predicted on Monday.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Running in a Winter Wonderland
Despite a storm that blanketed the metro area with close to half a foot of snow this weekend, a hardy band of lawyers, paralegals, legal administrators, friends and supporters donned Santa suits and participated in the "Santa Run" in downtown Minneapolis. This was the 2nd annual benefit run, the proceeds of which go toward providing free legal services to poor and disadvantaged Minnesotans. The 1.25 mile run started at the YWCA on Nicollet Mall. (Photo: Bill Klotz)
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Monday, December 3, 2007
Quigley's naming of undercover officers 'disgusting': Shervill's lawyer (ABC via Yahoo!7 News)
The lawyer for the Assistant Police Commissioner Mal Shervill has criticised the Labor MP John Quigley over his comments in the State Parliament last week.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Superstar' lawyer Ravenell joins city's Murphy Firm (BizJournals)
For seven years, William H. Murphy Jr. tried to convince prominent criminal defense lawyer Kenneth Ravenell to join his firm.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
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Lawyer upset over Schreiber's next parliamentary appearance (The Canadian Press via Yahoo! Canada News)
OTTAWA - The parliamentary committee examining Karlheinz Schreiber is more interested in scoring political points than in getting to the bottom of his dealings with Brian Mulroney, says the lawyer for the controversial German-Canadian businessman.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Lawyer admits he didn't pay taxes (The Record)
NEWARK A lawyer who worked for a group of Montvale companies involved in a massive investor fraud pleaded guilty in federal court Tuesday to evading nearly $200,000 in income taxes.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
SAS bash case: lawyer 'innocent' (Perth Now)
A PERTH lawyer has pleaded not guilty to attempting to pervert the course of justice after she allegedly tried to stop a witness from testifying at the trial of an SAS trooper.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
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Lawyer: Teen at center of "Jena 6" case close to plea deal (KTRE-TV East Texas)
NEW ORLEANS (AP) - The lawyer for 1 of the so-called "Jena (JEE'-nuh) 6" says his client is close to a deal that would allow his client to avoid another trial.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
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Lawyer: Teen accused of highway shootings wants plea deal (The Times of Northwest Indiana)
BROWNSTOWN, Ind. - A teenager accused of killing one man and wounding another in a series of highway sniper shootings is expected to plead guilty to two felonies as part of a plea agreement, his lawyer said.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
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Lawyer pleads not guilty to perverting the course of justice (The West Australian)
A Perth lawyer has pleaded not guilty to attempting to pervert the course of justice after she allegedly tried to stop a witness from testifying at a trial.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
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Lawyer: Teen at center of "Jena 6" case close to plea deal (WANE-TV Fort Wayne)
Associated Press - December 3, 2007 12:13 AM ET NEW ORLEANS (AP) - The lawyer for 1 of the so-called "Jena (JEE'-nuh) 6" says his client is close to a deal that would allow his client to avoid...
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
U.S. OKs forced extraditions, lawyer says (UPI)
A U.S. lawyer told the London Court of Appeals the United States sanctions the kidnapping of foreign citizens suspected of violating its laws.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Khadr's lawyer ordered not to reveal witnesses (
Omar Khadr's chief defence lawyer says an order not to tell anyone, including his client, who will be testifying against him is an unprecedented level of secrecy that undermines the Canadian terror suspect's trial in Guantanamo Bay.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
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Sikh lawyer may be stripped of Canadian honour (Hindustan Times)
The 48-year-old driver is in hospital for kidney and respiratory damage caused by the attack over the weekend. A veteran Sikh lawyer and activist may be stripped of his Order of Canada, the country's highest civilian honour, as early as next month after being disbarred for professional misconduct.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
1982 Page scandal: Craig was named as sex partner, says lawyer of primary accuser (The Idaho Statesman)
For 25 years, Sen. Larry Craig has not only denied wrongdoing in the 1982 page scandal but has insisted he was not among seven House members accused of homosexual conduct. The lawyer for the page who initiated the scandal says otherwise.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Teacher's lawyer expects presidential pardon (WHO-TV 13 Des Moines)
Associated Press - December 1, 2007 9:23 AM ET KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) - A lawyer for a British teacher jailed in Sudan after allowing her students to name a teddy bear Muhammad says he expects...
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
EPISD appoints ex-principal, lawyer as trustees (El Paso Times)
A retired principal and a young lawyer on Tuesday were appointed as the new members of the El Paso Independent School District Board of Trustees.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
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Maine lawyer sues to ease restrictions on petition-gatherers (Freedom Forum Online)
PORTLAND, Maine A Rumford lawyer involved in an initiative to bring a resort casino to Oxford County has gone to court in an attempt to ease restrictions on where petitioners can gather voter signatures.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
The merry mice of Hennepin County

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the courthouse, not a creature was stirring, except for a mouse. There may, in fact, be many mice spending the holidays in the Hennepin County Government Center, according to an e-mail recently circulated to employees at the facility.
A pest control company has been called, but wont start its extermination efforts until January because there will be way too much food in the building during the holidays for this aggressive plan to be effective, the e-mail said.
Plus it would, of course, completely wreck the holiday season for the mice involved.
A pest control company has been called, but wont start its extermination efforts until January because there will be way too much food in the building during the holidays for this aggressive plan to be effective, the e-mail said.
Plus it would, of course, completely wreck the holiday season for the mice involved.
In any event, the e-mail goes on to warn employees that mice may be small, but they can cause large problems. (Napolean was actually the same way.)
Hopefully this doesnt sound too cheesy, but best wishes to the furry little friends of the Hennepin County staff as they enjoy this, their final holiday season. I also offer the following piece of advice: Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow, well, you know the rest
Hopefully this doesnt sound too cheesy, but best wishes to the furry little friends of the Hennepin County staff as they enjoy this, their final holiday season. I also offer the following piece of advice: Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow, well, you know the rest
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
Khadr's lawyer ordered not to reveal prosecution witnesses (The Globe and Mail)
Lawyer says unprecedented level of secrecy undermines the Canadian's trial in Guantanamo Bay
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Lawyer files claims alleging sex abuse at Saskatchewan youth detention centre (The Canadian Press via Yahoo! Canada News)
REGINA - A Regina lawyer says about two dozen lawsuits alleging sexual abuse at a youth detention centre have been filed against the Saskatchewan government.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Lawyer hopes Sudan teacher pardoned (AP via Yahoo! News)
A lawyer for a British teacher convicted in Sudan of insulting Islam after she let students name a teddy bear Muhammad said he expected his client to be pardoned, while a pair of British Muslim politicians visited Khartoum on Saturday to seek the teacher's release.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
Miss. lawyer accused of bribe attempt (AP via Yahoo! News)
Richard "Dickie" Scruggs has carefully crafted an image as an aw-shucks country lawyer who champions the little guy in David-and-Goliath legal battles.
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for lawyer]
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