Folks all around the country are busy making their Oscar picks today, including many of us over here at Minnesota Lawyer. Last years winner in our unofficial Oscar pool was editor Mark Cohen -- which means that for the past year, our traveling Oscar trophy has been residing with him.
Without a lot of buzz about any particular movie, its a tough year to predict the winners -- but that isnt stopping people from trying. Academy award winners were even being forecast by some attendees at last nights Attorneys of the Year event. (Which, by the way, people are saying they really enjoyed!)
Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Paul Anderson told Minnesota Lawyer staff that the underdog Michael Clayton could be the surprise pick for Best Picture. (In case you havent seen it, the movie is about a middle-aged lawyer -- played by George Clooney -- who works as "fixer," clearing up complex or dirty cases on behalf of corporate clients.)
Minneapolis appellate attorney Eric Magnuson was unexpectedly coy when asked for his pick for Best Picture, but said that people either loved or hated There Will Be Blood, calling the movie a great character study.
Whoever the winners turn out to be, I always enjoy watching the awards show and keeping track of whos ahead in the Oscar pool. And hopefully, on Monday morning Oscar will have a new home -- preferably on my desk!
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
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