This just in from the fashion dons at The New York Times the bow tie is back!
But before you start heaping praise on those who've stuck by this venerable accessory all these long years, know this: it's a 20-somethings fad, and the look is quite different than that sported by Justice Alan Page or Lewis A. Remele (and we wouldnt have it any other way).
Here's how the Times would wear a bow tie:
"It looks sharp with jeans, a white shirt and a solid sport coat, say; or wear a formal black bow tie as an accent, instead of a more colorful and wholesome one. The idea is to avoid a costume-ish look Southern gentry, Ivy League professor, classical architect, 1960s geek while hinting at some romantically out-of-it, bespectacled antihero."
I could totally pull that off. You?
[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]
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