Thursday, March 20, 2008

Guardian ad Litem Program seeks advocates

We received the following release from the Hennepin County District Court. Sounds like a worthy cause for those who fit the bill. It's tonight, so you's better hurry if you're interested ...

Guardians ad Litem represent the best interests of some 2,500 abused and neglected children involved in the court system through no fault of their own. Court decisions impacting a childs future require a spokesperson on behalf of the child, an objective adult to provide independent information about the best interests of the child.

Approximately 250 specially-trained community volunteers serve as Guardians ad Litem. Of those, less than ten percent are Black and Black children represent 37 percent of youth needing advocates. The program seeks culturally competent advocates, especially for children of color.

The Fourth Judicial District Guardian ad Litem Program is hosting a child advocacy networking event to create awareness within the local community about the need for culturally competent child advocates. Attendees will receive information about how to become a volunteer Guardian ad Litem, view presentations and meet current Guardians ad Litem and others involved in the juvenile court process.

WHAT: Guardian ad Litem program child advocacy networking event
WHEN: Wednesday, March 19; 6:00 9:00 p.m.
WHERE: Babalu Restaurant, 801 Washington Avenue, Minneapolis, MN, 55401
WHO: Concerned citizens who have experience with children (parenting, other personal, volunteer or professional experience assisting youth), common sense and a desire to help children.


[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]

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