Tuesday, June 10, 2008

ABA accredits its 200th law school

In the "are there too many lawyers' category, I submit for your approval the fact that the American Bar Association just granted provisional accreditation to a North Carolina law school, making it the 200th ABA-accredited law school in the nation.

For the math challenged among you, that averages out to four law schools per state, which is exactly the number that we have here in the Gopher State.

The lucky new ABA-accredited law school is the Elon University School of Law in Greensboro. The school's third class of students will enroll this fall.

We are especially proud of our focus on leadership and the opportunities our students have to interact with people who have a legacy of civic involvement and community service, says founding dean
Leary Davis in a press release received by Minnesota Lawyer today.

That's all very well and good, but the bigger question is: Will the school's students be able to land jobs when they get out? The jury's still out on that one.


[Source: Minnesota Lawyer Blog]

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